- SSICP's Attendance goal is 95% for SY 2022-2023 and we will be tracking student attendance through ASPEN.
- 3 or more tardies per week will result in a detention and a parent phone call.
- Parents are encouraged to register for the CPS Parent Portal here which will allow parents to track student attendance and submit notes for excused absences via the new E-Absence function.
Absence Excused:
Parents should email Ms. Waddell at [email protected] when a student is going to be absent for any reason; parents who cannot email should contact the Main Office.
Unexcused Absences Protocol:
- When a student is absent for more than 2 consecutive days, Ms. Waddell will make contact with family via phone/email.
- Once contact is made Ms. Waddell will determine if additional supports are needed.
- Security officers will also be available to make phone calls for students who are absent and have a pattern with no CPS valid reason for absence.
- 3 unexcused absences will result in Mr. Ramsey as well as the assigned mentor making a home visit.
- One week of unexcused absence will result in Mr. Ramsey routing the student's attendance to the CPS intervention team.